Cumpliaños Feliz,
Te deseamos a ti
Cumpliaños Mommy Dearest,
Cumpliaños a Ti
Howdy Ya'll,
Happy Birthday Mom! And a happy Halloween to the rest of
you. I actually have a great halloween story to share with you all. This is a
Halloweenie Tender Mercy of the Lord to Elder Neider.
We were in a lesson teaching a family of Less Actives. Their
daughter is incredibly active and is planning on turning in her papers some
time next month. She ask a question about a parable that she was having a hard
time understanding. It was the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard. I gave
Elder Hernandez the opportunity to answer to which he responded that he didn't
know. This is one of my favorite parables of the Lord and had just finsihed
reading Jesus the Christ, so I was incredibly prepared. Her little brother left
the room and began playing the piano. My back was toward the dark street behind
us. He began going through all of the music he knew how to play. He finally
came to a song that both my beloved mother and I are terrified of. blasting his
piano with full blast he began playing the theme song to the horror film,
"Halloween" having my back to the darkness I began to be petrified. I
yelled for him to stop playing that song. He asked "Really?" My heart
was pounding. My companion finished the lesson and we had to start back to get
to our next appointment.
We were walking in the dark night with lamp posts every 200
meters. Naturally I kept peering over my shoulder to make sure that Michael
Myers wasn't following us. I know it's an irrational fear. But it's MY irrational
I was like that walking all the way to my next appointment.
It's the family of one of our recent converts. We always have our lessons in
their unfinished basement. Never upstairs. I began to pray in my heart for help
to feel peace. My companion entered their dark, unfinished basement (which we all
know isn't a good idea in any horror film) and said Upe! Buenas!, (also not a
good idea) Olivier came down and turned on the lights and said, "Lets go
upstairs tonight. Alright with you guys?"
I know that Heavenly Father is watching over every single
one of us. It doesnt matter how irrational or small your problem may seem. He
is there waiting to send blessings if we will just ask. One of my friends named
Aryn Espiritu wrote me for the first time this week and shared a similiar
experience in asking for help over something little. I know He is ever
listening. Ever willing to answer the small, fervent prayer.
"Ask and ye shall receive,
Seek and ye shall find,
Knock and it shall be opened onto you."
It's a great and true scripture. I know it to be true.
I love you all and I'm so very thankful for all your prayers
and help. Have a good week! Happy Halloween!
Siga Adelante,
Elder Neider